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Fuel Your Journey to Wellness: Welcome to My Nutrition Website!

Meditation with a sunset in background

Thanks for visiting and a warm welcome to my nutrition website! 😍

This is a place for people who want to know how to boost their health holistically! Holistic health does not confine itself to just diet and exercise, it goes beyond that. Its all about healing your mind, body and soul!

As Ann Wigmore correctly said — "The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." 🍏🍕 Hence, choose your food wisely! Eat something that nourishes your mind and soul too, not just body.

"Nutrition by Riddhi" is here for everyone who opts for living a life disease-free, holistic and full of love!! The services that are offered here are: Nutrition consultations for healthy people as well as people suffering from obesity, diabetes, cholesterol issues, and other health problems. I am so excited and looking forward to heal you!

Also peeps, I strongly believe in the concept of self-care, self-love and self-nurturing! (you shall see me talking a lot about it :P ) That is the foundation of my coaching program.

Self-care doesn't limit itself to luxurious spas, skincare or haircare, it includes everything that helps you thrive and lead a fulfilling life!

Therefore, I want to make you love, nurture and care for yourself in a way that nature intended you to do, i.e. clean eating, moving more, resting well, developing the right mindset to attract good health and abundance and of course unplugging yourself from the external stressors from time to time! You deserve it!

So guys, enjoy your time here on my webpage, explore the services I have to offer you and help me help you lead a holistically healthy and happy life!

-Much Love,

Ms. Riddhi Shah (Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach and Yoga instructor)


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